SSI Diving Courses
The SSI training system is built in such a way that diving activities are of interest to both beginners and experienced divers. For each course there is a set of training materials; a textbook, and interactive program on DVD or by internet with which the training in diving becomes even simpler and more enjoyable!
SSI Open Water Diver
The SSI Open Water Diver program provides students with the knowledge and training necessary to dive autonomously with an equally- or more-qualified buddy.
SSI Advanced Adventurer Diver
The SSI Advanced Adventurer provides certified divers an introduction into five different SSI Specialty programs under the supervision instructor.
SSI Advanced Open Water Diver
The goal with the SSI Advanced Diver Course is to cover the central core courses that every diver needs to be efficient enough to dive just about anywhere.

The SSI React Right program provides students with the knowledge and training to act as a first responder and provide first aid and CPR.

SSI Master Diver
Master Diver. The Holy Grail for the certified, ommitted recreational diver, looking to attain the highest non-leadership diver level. Top of the bill.
SSI Dive Guide
The SSI Dive Guide program provides candidates with the knowledge and training necessary to supervise and guide certified divers on recreational dive.
SSI Dive Master Course
The SSI Divemaster rating recognizes candidates that have the knowledge and training necessary to perform the duties of a certified assistant.
SSI Specialty Courses
Get your diving skills into the next level, with SSI Specialty courses offered by our diving center.
SSI Enriched Air Nitrox
The SSI Enriched Air Nitrox programs provide students with basic knowledge and skills needed to safely dive using breathing gas with enriched gas mixtures.
SSI Diver Stress & Rescue
The SSI Diver Stress & Rescue program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to identify stress, prevent accidents, and manage emergency.
SSI Wreck Diving
The SSI Wreck Diving program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to safely conduct non-penetration dives around wrecks.
SSI Deep Diving
It's your ambition to discover and explore deep diving. However, you realize all too well it requires specific skills and safety procedures.
SSI Night Diving
The SSI Night and Limited Visibility program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to safely and comfortably dive at night.
SSI Navigation
The SSI Navigation program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to safely navigate underwater using both natural and compass techniques.
SSI Perfect Buoyancy
The SSI Perfect Buoyancy program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to improve their diving position and buoyancy control.
SSI Boat Diving
The SSI Boat Diving program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to safely conduct open water dives from a variety of boats.
SSI Search And Recovery
This program provides students with the knowledge and skills needed to safely and comfortably perform basic search and recovery dives for small objects.
SSI Equipment Techniques
The program provides basic knowledge and skills needed to select equipment that meet their diving goals and needs, and how to clean, maintain equipment.